It began in the late 1860's with a group of friends named Monet, Pissarro, Sisley and Degas in France. They first exhibited in 1874. Impressionism shows an interesting effects of light in art. The artists painted en plain-air. Weather conditions and changes in light were one of their interests. Throughout their work, they all happen to make use of visible strokes and bright colours.
Claude Oscar Monet
Water Lily Pond Symphony In Rose
I like the use of colours, shapes and textures. It shows an interesting composition. I like how the bridge is being interpreted with the pond, roses and water lilies.
Camille Pissarro
Self Portait 1
Snow Effect At Ergany, 1894
This work is a perfect meaning of the word Impressionism due to its bright colours and changes in light. There's also a use of contrast between the light colours of the trees and the grass.
Alfred Sisley
Portrait of Alfred Sisley
Regattas at Moseley
The main focus of this work goes directly to the flags. Its different colour schemes makes it really interesting.
Edgar Degas
Self Portrait
Ballet Dancers In The Wings
I really like the composition of this work as it has a use of different blues which makes it really interesting. I like the fact that this work is showing movement and emotion.
Notes taken during the lesson,-1894.html
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