Thursday, May 1, 2014

History of Art


It is the first modern art movement which emerged in 1905. Henri Matisse, Maurice de Vlaminck and Andre` Derain were known as the best Fauve artists. Their art is full of characteristics such as bright, pure and unnaturalistic colours, dynamic and short brushstrokes, bold outlines, flatness, simplification, dynamism in nature, large areas of colour and there was also given a huge importance to the human figure.

Henri Matisse
Odalisque in Red Trousers

Henri Matisse - Odalisque in Red Trousers

I like the use of contrast and detail in this work. It has different types of patterns and colour schemes which seem to make an interesting composition. 

Maurice de Vlaminck
Houses at Chatou

Houses at Chatou, Oil by Maurice De Vlaminck (1876-1958, France)

This work shows a typical windy day due to the branches, the texture of the clouds and the kind of movement which is created on the ground. The texture of this work helps you realize its movements and details. It has a sense of contrast due to the difference of colours used in the upper part of the work and the lower part.

Andre` Derain
Charing Cross Bridge

Charing Cross Bridge, Oil On Canvas by André Derain (1880-1954, France)

I like how the artist is using different schemes of blue, yellow, green and red only. He is creating an amazing effect due to the use of same colours. It is high in contrast and its composition is totally contrastable.

Fauvism Nowadays
Life Boat by Jason B

Its colour schemes are like those which are seen in the works of the Fauve artists. I like the use of black and white with bright colours due to the fact that it creates a contrast and that the bright colours are bringing out the details of the painted women in black and white.


Notes taken during the lesson

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